Oh boy. That's the only way to sum this project up. It felt like this one project took up most of the semester. In a way, it did. I put more time and effort into this project than any other project this year and I'm happy with the result.
The goal was to create an invented character of any kind (originally it had to be humanoid but thankfully they changed that) and then create an environment that it would realistically exist in. Both of these tasks acted as one project and the whole thing was really on a do-it-yourself schedule. The first step was to conceptualize. We had to come up with three completely different concepts and than choose on to carry into final.
This is concept I chose of my three that I came up with. It's sort of a twist on a chimera, being an animal made up of two wolves and a white tailed buck. For a while I called it "K" for lack of an appropriate name. In the end I decided that I wouldn't give it one single name, instead all three animals have their own individual names.
Bio as it appears on D-Space:
My character is a creature of Inuit folklore, said to protect the wilderness. It often appears to those who are lost. It is made up of conjoined triplets; Akuniq, the buck in the middle guides his brothers, the wolves on either side of him, who in turn, hunt and rest while Akuniq stays awake constantly.
The buck’s antlers are knotted together in the front, a symbol of togetherness. They also hold and protect a blue orb which is their life force. Because of this, he is defenseless against his enemies and the wolves, Saumik (left) and Taliqpik (right), must fend off attackers.
The wolves represent the instinctual animosity within everyone, but their existence is vital to one another and their survival as a whole.
I strayed a little bit from my original concept sketches. I decided not to add leaves to the antlers. I also changed the gesture slightly to be a bit more interesting.
The first step was to create an armature out of wire and foil. That took me forever. It was practically like making three separate armatures and tying them together. In the end it all worked out, although I was pretty close to giving up all together. After the armature was complete, I added sculpy and baked it.
baked but unpainted.
After he was baked, I started painting. Shortly after the painting process began I also started the environment, which was made largely out of styrofoam and moss.
Finished character.
Final picture of the character in the environment.
Environment Bio as it appears on D-Space:
The environment for my character is the Alaskan tundra in spring time when the snow is just beginning to melt.
My environment also comes with an additional character: a young Inuit boy with a fishing pole and a map who is surprised to come across my character.
The environment is made largely out of styrofoam which I used for the base and also for the snow. I then covered it in a moss tarp and cut out a river which is filled with blue painted plastic wrap, super glue, gloss, and resin. Other materials include rocks, painted stick "birch trees", and various mosses.
A lighter picture of the environment.
River detail.
Additional character detail.
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